So I wear those 'nude' colored bras to avoid the "I see your bra through that thin ass shirt" syndrome, and they seemed to be getting dingy, so first thought was ok I'll bleach them that gets rid of everything.....
NOPE....I was very wrong all I got was a bleach scented bra...great...
So I did some asking around and heard good things about Resolve, gave it a shot and this is what I got.
1st all I did was spray one side of the band to truly see the difference it would or wouldn't make. I was very surprised at the almost instant change ----->
*AMAZING!* (Bleach didn't even get rid of this stuff?!?!)
So I continued on by laying the bra in the tub, spray Resolve, rub it in a bit, and let sit for 5 minutes and tadah! A bra that looks (half)
BRAND SPANKIN NEW!!! whoop whoop!!
This stuff works great on dirty, greasy boy clothes too!! I use it on my honey's work shirt that gets all kinds of boy dirt on it :)